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  • If you are an employer and wish to use our services, please contact contact us via this form:


      Medical Recruitment via German Medicine Net - Conditions

      By sending this message I accept the following important pre-conditions for a co-operation between German Medicine Net and my Medical Facility/Company in its function as an employer of doctors or other staff:
      1. I will keep any information and data about candidates possibly introduced to me in the future by German Medicine Net confidential and will not pass this information on to third parties outside my facility or company.
      2. Upon request I will truthfully inform German Medicine Net about the progress of discussions and/or contractual negotiations with potential candidates introduced by German Medicine Net.
      3. I will inform German Medicine Net without delay if our facility or company signs an employment contract with a candidate introduced by German Medicine Net. In this context I will identify correctly the place of work, the starting date and the gross monthly salary (including any additional benefits potentially negotiated) of the candidate.
      - I confirm that my facility/company will pay German medicine Net's invoices according to the agreed conditions and deadlines. If my facility or company does not inform German Medicine Net about the employment of a candidate introduced by German Medicine Net or gives this information too late I accept that German Medicine is entitled to retroactively charging 9 percent interest per year on the amounts that would have been due earlier had German Medicine Net been informed in due time. The same interest rate will be applied if German Medicine Net's invoices are not paid within the agreed deadlines.

      I accept these conditions

      Below you can attach up to 5 files, e.g. your job descriptions:

      For spam protection please solve this simple mathematical equation:

      Alternatively you can contact us via
